What to do if you have a BLOCKED DRAIN

Richard Moyle Plumbing since 1983

Richard Moyle, Plumbing since 1983

11 x Signs that you have a blocked drain

1.      Multiple plumbing fixtures are backing up at the same time.

2.      The drain outside (ORG) Overflow Relief Gully is overflowing.

3.      Floor waste, floor grates are overflowing.

4.      Toilet is making a gurgling noise or is even blocked.

5.      Kitchen sink will not drain.

6.      Laundry tub is filling up.

7.      Shower, vanity or bath drains will not drain or only drain slowly.

Plumber Richard using the High Pressure Jetter to clear a blocked septic drain.

8.      Sewerage smell.

9.      Wet, green, soggy area outside.

10.   Water seeping through concrete outside.

11.   Guttering, downpipes are overflowing.


Blocked drains can be a regular occurrence at some homes, while others only have the occasional blocked drain.

Your blocked drain may be isolated to one fixture such as the kitchen sink or you may have a main drain blockage. Your drains may have been running freely for years and all of a sudden, you now have a blocked drain.

In any case, the drain needs to be cleared.

What you can try -

Depending on the fixture that is blocked you can try these few tips -

1.      Manually remove any food blockages, hair or other from around the waste.

2.      Carefully pour boiling hot water down the drain (careful not to have it splash back at you)

3.      Try using a piece of wire or long handle bottle brush, carefully down the drain to push or retrieve any debris from the drain. (Careful here not to push through the PVC waste pipe)

4.      Try using a commercial cleaning fluid like Draino or other brand. Be careful to only follow the instructions on the label.

  • NB: Do not use these chemicals if you have a septic system or your own on-site sewage treatment plant such as an Envirocycle or Bi-cycle.

5.      Plunge the waste pipe using a plunger.

6.      Call your maintenance plumber.


What causes a blocked drain?

As mentioned above, there can be many causes for a blocked drain.

·        Something may have been put down the drain to cause the blockage

·        Too much toilet paper

·        Foreign objects such as toys, balls, stones, pebbles, toothbrushes, cotton buds, lint from clothing, sanitary items, flushable wipes, fish tank pebbles, cat litter, soap scum build up and much more

·        Ground movement causing the drains to move

·        Tree root intrusion

·        Damage to the drains

·        Incorrectly laid, installed or back fall

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Below are some photos of actual blocked drains that we have attended over the years.


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